Pluto in Aquarius

Let’s talk about Pluto moving into Aquarius.

Pluto just moved into Aquarius on March 23rd at 5:13 am PT. Now, he’s not going to stay there. Because of his position, his frequent retrogrades will pull him in and out of Aquarius and back into Capricorn a couple of times.

Our first stint is March 23rd – June 11th, 2023. Then, he will come back from January 20th – September 1st, 2024. He’ll then leave just for a quick moment and then come back to complete his transit from November 19th, 2024 – March 8th, 2043.

So, Pluto will officially be in Aquarius to stay on November 19th, 2024. This means that we are going to be oscillating back and forth between these two energies. What this speaks to for me is the need to keep coming back to and closing out the themes from Pluto in Capricorn. It’s not going to be clean. Pluto’s rarely clean, honestly.

Let’s talk about Pluto, then Pluto in Capricorn, and then we will get to Pluto in Aquarius!

So, Pluto. Pluto is the God of the Underworld. He is the Hades archetype. His medicine is all about transformation. Real, deep transformation. He deals with loss and death in this way, because in order to transform, the old ways need to fall away. He also deals with power in a big way and transforming power and our relationships to power. He also deals with all the “sticky” parts of our humanness. He deals with sex, money, power, death, loss, change and transformation, the subconscious, all things hidden, secret and occult. Pluto is DEPTH in a big way.

He’s also a generational planet. What do I mean by that? Well, as we all know, Pluto is really far away from us. So he moves through our skies very slowly. He can spend anywhere between 12-30 years in each sign. So, in this way, he really informs big generational and collective shifts.

Pluto in Sagittarius folks (love you, Gen Z <3) are going to deal with all of these themes differently and came up in a different world than Pluto in Scorpio folks (love you, Millennials <3). Pluto changing signs is a change in eras. And, he begins his transits through a sign with a bang. He will begin by bringing in some sort of loss, tragedy, death, disruption, catastrophe, etc. And then over the course of the transit, he will create change and transformation that will leave us in a better place than where we started. Pluto in Scorpio brought us the AIDS epidemic and changed the way that we navigate sex as a culture. Pluto in Capricorn brought in the financial crisis that happened in 2008.

So, let’s talk about Pluto in Capricorn. He moved into Capricorn in 2008 and was fully in. He didn’t do any of the in and outs that he will be doing with Aquarius. Pretty quickly we were hit with that major financial crisis from all the bad loans. That really affected us as a collective and culture, as well as individually. Capricorn is the final earth sign. It deals with real world things. Money, government, banking, systems and structures, business, politics, the patriarchy, traditions and the “old” ways of doing things. Over his transit we had major political and social upheaval. We had the Me Too movement. We had the rise of cryptocurrency. And we had a lot of push and pull between the old ways and the new ways. And so many more themes I haven’t thought of.

Sooooo, it looks we have some more clean-up to do in these categories before we can fully move into Pluto in Aquarius. But, we are getting a preview right now for what Pluto in Aquarius will bring! Because he’s going in and out, I don’t know when he’s really going to hit us with that first big bang. It could really happen anytime in the next two years. But, Pluto in Aquarius really marks the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. We are moving into a new era and a new level of consciousness as a collective. Pluto in Aquarius will really deal with innovations, new technologies, revolution, letting your freak flag fly, and communities. We will likely see major innovations in technology, and major innovations to our communities. How we relate to each other, how we are in communities, what community even means may change for us. And it’s about embracing your true, wild, weird self and putting them into action to help the larger population in some way. And, wherever Aquarius is in your birth chart is where you will really go through transformation. So, look at what house Aquarius is ruling, because this is the area of your life where you will experience radical change, perhaps loss, and transformation over the course of the next 20 years. So, we are in for the long haul. Those of you (like me) who are Aquarius risings - especially if your rising sign is at 0 or 1 degrees - will likely feel this hit right away. Also, if you have any planets sitting at 0 or 1 degree Aquarius, you’ll likely feel this before the rest of us.

But always remember, this is an act of love. Even if the loss and change is very difficult, it’s still happening for your highest good. And you are going to walk out of these next 20 years really feeling much more authentic and empowered in that aspect of your life.

Wishing you all the best for your own personal Pluto transit! Congratulations to all Capricorn risings for moving out of what must have been an incredibly transformative 15 years. And best of luck to all of my fellow Aquarius risings! We are going to be very different people by the end of this. And I can’t wait to see where this all takes us.

If you’d like to hear more about Pluto in Aquarius or the current energetics we are swimming in, listen to this podcast between Shannon and I, or watch this video on the start of Aries season, which brought us into Pluto’s transition into Aquarius!

Sending my love <3

Tadja Enos


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