Spiritual Hot Takes

These are some spiritual hot takes I’ve been feeling into recently that I want to share.

  • A lot of "past life memories" are often just made up memories that camouflage actual childhood or life trauma you experienced in this life, but that your brain isn’t ready to face.

    In my years studying and working with past lives as a shaman + akashic record reader, I have found that there is a distinct difference between past life memories that are memories of real past lives, and past life "memories" that are direct metaphors for what a person experienced in their earlier life but perhaps is easier to look at through the lens of a metaphor. There are also a lot of "past life" memories that are just imprints of collective trauma that every person carries (things like persecution and past lives involving having your voice shut down. Pretty much EVERY person carries these collective imprints in the form of collective memories).

    This is a theory I'm working on developing, let me know if you want me to explain more, or make a podcast episode about this!

  • Conscious masculine - feminine union relationships exist within us. The only type of relationship that I think should ever be described as "coming into union with your masculine/feminine counterpart" is INNER relationship, or INNER union. We externalize divine union relationships to mean that our external relationships must somehow have the ideal masculine/feminine balance.

    In reality, the only place we should be focusing on creating divine union is inside ourselves. Create union with your inner masculine and inner feminine aspects.

    Side note: In my upcoming Womb Alchemy course, I will be teaching you about INNER DIVINE UNION. It is not a course about attracting an ideal partner. It is a course about alchemizing your own divine, inner creative power.
    Leave behind the rhetoric the spiritual community has built up around external union relationships, because when you really read and listen to it, it's highly gender-conforming, disempowering, and sexist.

    I will never describe my partner as my "ideal masculine king" because one: ew. And two: what an unrealistic expectation to set on another person.

    (I used to try describing an ideal partner this way because I thought I had to in order to be "conscious" but it felt so weird, and again, ew).

    I don't want to be in a relationship where I am sacrificing myself and my expression to gender norms (where I have to be a "feminine queen" all the time). Coming into union is not forcing ourselves and our partners to embody a king/queen archetype.

    Coming into Union is about embodying our inner king AND queen. So that we can be everything in our own energy field.

  • The 5D is old news. Let’s move on people. It’s literally so boring. 5D is just a way of living here on earth. I teach 5D to my clients the same way it was taught to me: by showing them how to access it in their bodies because it’s literally part of the field around us that we can access at all times. There’s way more interesting stuff. Let’s get to it, please.

    On that same note, the 7D is so boring too.

    It is also easily accessible via our bodies and that is exactly how I teach it as well.

    Both of these energies are great and beautiful, but they are not new. There is so much more we can learn and expand into, we just have to stop getting stuck in the same old, same old.

  • Selling quantum manifestation or anything that happens at the speed of light is just selling by preying on unhealthy attachment trauma. It’s making potential clients think they aren’t creating fast enough and need to learn from you, but in reality NOTHING good happens immediately.

    Those quantum manifestations people share actually took lots of time behind the scenes to build up to. No one heals their childhood or their money stories or their patterns in one day - they heal them over and over and over and then one day finally notice or are able to put into action what they’ve been working on for years/months/weeks. It wasn’t instantaneous. It was a cumulative effect of healing leading to a pinnacle moment of shift or awareness.

    Real healing is a journey that doesn’t end. It doesn’t mean you have to be in periods of healing all the time. Simply that there is no end. Just a continuation of an ever deepening journey.

  • Self-taught is not the same as knowledgeable or truly well informed. Be discerning about who you give time, energy or money to.

  • The spiritual business paradigm right now is jam packed with rampant financial corruption/capitalism/arguably abuse.

    I don’t care how powerful you think your soul is, if your prices are out of reach for your average consumer (meaning they cannot afford your services and you have to cajole them into buying from you) knock your ego down a peg and realize that your prices are too damn high.

  • I had an experience with this last summer - the only time I tried to sell a program in the 5-figures price range, mostly because a marketing coach told me that was what I should do. I dropped that pricing about a month in, after realizing that it was not a sustainable offering to sell, because it required too much gatekeeping of my work and I didn't like how I felt like I had to speak or act to "sell" it and convince people to join. Yuck.

    Additionally, if you wouldn’t pay the price you're charging, don’t charge it.

    I’ve had multiple clients tell me they had to charge xyz price because anything else was too low WHILE paying me half that price (or less), for the same type of service they wanted to offer. It honestly makes me laugh.

    Don’t charge more than what you’re willing to pay yourself. And be HONEST about it.

  • Selling by reaching out to people and telling them you see them in your class or program is truly gross manipulation.

    I get it, I was taught to do that at one point. I stopped pretty quickly because I realized it was so gross and predatory.

    Now I only tell people that I could definitely hold space for them if they ask for my opinion, but I always let them know that their intuition is more important than what I say. Just because I can see the possibility of teaching them doesn’t mean it has to happen. And I never offer that information unless they ask. It’s not my job to convince anyone or manipulate them into joining my programs.

    Most spiritual coaches and healers need way more grounding, way more TRUE nervous system integration, way more discernment, way more ego work, and way more trauma informed healing. (Including me! This has been my biggest focus of personal and business growth for the last 6+ months).

  • It literally doesn’t matter what you put in your body at the end of the day. It matters what your intention is. Is your intention to nourish your body? Or to harm it?

    I can nourish my body with a cookie just as much as I can harm it with broccoli.

    i don’t care if you use fluoride toothpaste.

    I don’t care if you don’t eat all organic.

    I don’t care if you drink alcohol or use marijuana.

    I also don’t care if you don’t use fluoride, eat all organic and stay away from all substances.

    it does not make you morally superior. It does not make you spiritually superior. Get off your high horse and let people take care of themselves the way they need to. It’s great to encourage healthy habits, but don’t evangelize them.

    Everyone's journey to spiritual awareness/healing is personal. It is not going to involve the same steps as you had to take.

  • A mental health crisis might just be a mental health crisis, not an awakening.

    The mental health crisis might push you towards discovering spirituality.

    But it can push you towards a new awakening AND STILL BE A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS.

    And there's nothing wrong with that.

    I've had mental health crises that paved the way for me to come into my spiritual practice.

    But I still had mental health issues. The crises are not erased because I discovered spirituality.

    I've got so many more of these. Want me to keep sharing? Or want me to expand on any of these hot takes? Let me know, I'd be happy to!


The Womb Rites


Pluto in Aquarius