Channeled Message - Council in the 444th Dimension

A channeled message from the Council of the Pinnacle in the 444th Dimension

The world is at a standstill. There are two options in front of you - humans will either fall and the earth will perish, or humans will decide to wake up and start healing and the earth will flourish in a way that you have never seen before in any time throughout recorded history.

We don’t say this to scare you.

We say this to remind you - you have a choice right now: what path will you choose?
It is easy to say that you will choose the path of righting the wrongs, but it is much harder to actually DO that.

We want you to actually choose the path that will shift the world.

In this time, in this season, we have guided Shannon to offer the earth Akashic healing level 1 program. We will be teaching this program through her, teaching you how to connect to us - we are the council of the Pinnacle and right now we are talking to you from the 444th dimension, but we will be teaching you to connect to us in the 23rd dimension and in your day to day life. Believe us, this is all that you need to have your life fully changed via interaction with us and channeling our energy.

Why are we asking Shannon to teach this program? Because this is our method of healing - we have passed it down to Shannon and allowed her to use it in her own healing journey, and we now with for this method of healing to become mainstream in the world. Many of you may know about reiki, or perhaps you use reiki. This is like that, the way that Reiki was given to a master to teach, we gave Earth Akashic healing to Shannon in a similar way, and the trajectory of this healing is much greater than anything that has been passed to earth before.

We know this seems a bit grandiose, but we promise we are just trying to put this into words that make sense on the human level. We use the example of reiki because there are many reiki practitioners who are being called to learn Earth Akashic healing now - you already can channel energy, now let us teach you how to bring much deeper healing to people than what you currently can do.

Why is learning this work part of choosing the path of righting the imbalances on the human plane? Simply put, because choosing to learn a healing modality that hasn’t been available on earth in 1000s of years, but which was present at the beginning times - look back at old channeled history about the akasha, thousands of years ago they used this type of Earth Akashic Healing as well - it will bring you back to the beginning of humanity, to times when humans were more connected to the earth, to their souls, to the gods, to the energies all around them, and this connection will allow you to create a deeper type of change and healing on the world - which is exactly what is needed right now.

Earth Akashic Healing Level 1 is open for enrollment now, and the first class starts on September 14th. We have set the investment price to make it accessible but also to keep the sacredness of the container protected. If you are reading this - you must take a moment to feel into if this is for YOU. We are encoding this so that only those who are meant to do this work will see these messages  - so if that is you, then this is your divine calling to come join us.

You will learn how to heal, how to connect, how to ground, how to channel, how to become a guide and soul-led visionary through this work.

You will walk out of it a completely different person, and a person who is ready to change the world. That we can promise.

Welcome to Earth Akashic healing dear ones. We can’t wait to teach you.

— The Council of the Pinnacle in the 444th dimension.


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