We are Here to be Human

We are here to live as a human - so our spiritual work needs to reflect that and be usable HERE.

If we weren’t supposed to be down here on Earth, in these human bodies, we wouldn’t be. We just wouldn’t.

There can be a lot of wounding in souls that have lots of cosmic connections (which, if you’re hanging out with me, you most likely do. Most of my clients have very cosmic soul histories). The wounding is often around rejecting the human experience, wanting to transcend, wanting to rise above the mundane, and a feeling of homesickness, of wanting to “go home”.

But, you are already home. You’re already here. We came to live human lives for a reason. This wasn’t a mistake on our soul’s part. There’s no way that we could “know better” with our little human minds. There’s no way for us to fully understand the complex intricacies of a soul decision. And to reject this human life is to reject your soul’s choice to come and experience this life and touch the lives of the souls around them.

In the spiritual community, I see a lot of “double-lives”. I see people living over here in their spiritual life, and then going back over there for their “normal” 3D human life. This is not uncommon, but we need to learn to integrate the two. Our spiritual work is not separate from our lives, our spiritual work is our lives. And our spiritual selves are not separate from our human selves. We are both. We are all of it. We are souls living out a human existence in these gorgeous, wise vessels. We can’t just always fly off and play in the cosmos without ever grounding the healing and activation codes down into our bodies, into our lives, into the physical world around us. We have to learn to marry these two selves. Our spiritual work needs to be usable HERE and NOW, as you are, in this body.

Heal that feeling of homesickness. Arrive home in your body now. You’re right where you’re supposed to be. You can be conscious and spiritual within the mundane. The sacred is in everything. You don’t need to fly out to find connection. You don’t need to vision and channel to know what it means to feel connected.

Be here now.


You are your own best healer.


Channeled Message - Council in the 444th Dimension