My Rebirth…

I leaned my head back, allowed the water to caress my forehead and gently soak my hair.

I felt the sun beat down through my third eye.

I dunked under, fully immersing myself. And as I came back up for air, I began anointing myself with the water I floated in.
Anointing and inviting integration for all the soul pieces I’ve brought back lately.
Anointing and accepting the life I’ve been offered.
Anointing and releasing the period of death I traveled through to find this place of embodiment.

My first shamanic death was when I was sick. Nearly dying and finding healing from that place was my first initiation.
It happened over and over for years after - I had to figure out my healing process. That’s where earth Akashic healing was born.

And for a long time, I was angry.
I was angry that I had to continue to live. I was angry that I had to endure that kind of pain and then continue to live a “normal” life - get a job, be responsible, follow the spinning wheel of life.
My biggest fear was life.
When you expect death—how do you live after? When nothing existed, how do you create existence? I struggled with that question immensely.

And only once I began my shamanic training, did I start to understand.
This is my darkest pattern. The hardest one I’ve had to break, over and over. To choose life, not death.

Akashic womb shamanism has been my answer. It is an embodiment of life itself. Rebirthing through the shamanic womb, sharing Akashic/star medicine, this has been my choice, the reason to choose life.
There is immense life force running though our veins. Our energy bodies. Our souls. That’s our womb energy. Our Akashic energy. And there is life force in all we exist in - our shamanic earth energy.
This life force and how we harness it, live with it, heal with it - this is my passion.
All of the ways I’ve discovered and learned to do so - journeying, Akashic healing, biomagnetism, etc - these will all be shared in the upcoming apprenticeship.

We need to choose life, that’s how we heal and grow collectively.
I invite you to live joyously, with me, via this shamanic path.
Doors are open for apprenticeship - we begin March 13th, 2023

Go here for more info and to sign up!


Embodied Shamanism


The Vision for the Akashic Womb Shamanism Apprenticeship