The Vision for the Akashic Womb Shamanism Apprenticeship

Close your eyes.

Imagine yourself standing with a group of women, sisters, around a fire.
You can feel the support, connection, and energy between you and all the sisters gathered around you.
You feel the pulse and call of your womb.
You feel the pulse and call of your ancestors.
You feel the pulse and call of your soul and heart in your chest.
Together, you rise. Together you heal. Together you learn. Together, you discover your magic.

Open your eyes.

Welcome to the Akashic Womb Shamanism Apprenticeship.

Led by me, and guided by the Celtic goddesses Brigid, the Morrigan, and the Cailleach, the guides of my shamanic work, you will be led to discover the deepest, most beautiful, truest parts of yourself in this apprenticeship.

By the end, you will walk away with your magic, your medicine, your inner flame tended, bright, and ready to be seen by the world.

The time is now to join.

While my ancestry is Celtic, this training will be a CONTEMPORARY shamanic apprenticeship, meaning that you are welcome in this space even if your ancestry is not Celtic. There is still SO much for you to learn, connect to, and embody from this work.

If you want to join, the time is now to reach out. We journey forward on March 13th, 2023

Go here for more info and to sign up!


My Rebirth…


The 3 pillars of Apprenticeship