A Shamanic Journey Back to Sacred Sexuality

There is a brand new course that’s just gone live.

I am very passionate about this new body of work that’s really opening up in me to be shared. I have spent a lot of my time, attention and focus in my work on healing sexual energy and the womb space. But, this course is going to be entirely new, unlike anything I’ve ever put out before. We are going to roll up our sleeves and dive really, really deep.

An 8-week journey to healing the sexual wound within, via sacred womb shamanism techniques and embodiment.

You'll spend 8 weeks in sacred community with me, healing your sacral wounds and learning to reclaim your sacred sexuality and sensuality.

You will receive access to 7 group classes, and 2 individual sessions with me.

Healing in community is indescribably powerful, ESPECIALLY when we get a group of women together. There’s something about the energy that’s created when a group of women gather together in love and vulnerability that really blasts through old blocks.

Communing with the women in this group will remind you that you are not alone, and reconnect you to the ancient ways of sacred sexuality and healing, when “womben” gathered as priestesses and womb shamans to honor the sacred feminine and her connection to sacred sexuality.

We will be harnessing the power of eclipse season and Samhain as we start this journey.

As a group, we will journey together through this upcoming period of darkness that brings us from Samhain to the end of the year. This container holds the greatest vibration and intention to guide you into the New Year feeling a deep sense of empowerment.

We start Thursday, November 10th.

Within this container, you will have also access to the Earth Akashic Mystery School for 6 months ($500 value).

If you are a current subscriber to the Mystery School (subscribed before October 2022), reach out to me directly for your discount.

And, you will receive an individual Shamanic Womb Clearing Ceremony and Shamanic Soul Retrieval with me (A $500 value).

How do I know if this is meant for me?

If you’re here, reading this, take a moment. Breathe into your body. Locate your energetic womb space. Ask - “Is this container for my highest good?”. If you receive a yes - trust it and join me. If you receive a no - trust it as well.

Will I run this course again?

Honestly, I don’t know. My business is intuitively run, and I don’t know if this program will ever be offered again. If you’re here, feeling a yes to this program, then the time to join us is now.

Before you pay, I invite you to say this invocation: “I affirm that I am entering into this container for my highest good, I am committed to this transformation, and to the activation and abundance that I accept as my birthright, that I will receive from this transformative experience. And so it is.”


The womb awakening in this eclipse portal


A love letter to my business